Celeriac wasn’t yak lol

Saturday 19th October 2019
Your day will go the way the corners of your mouth turn.
I've just had a cracking nights sleep, we went up at half seven and mom woke me at 4.30, I'll take that, I may have woke a couple of times to turn over but that's about it, love it.  Yeah I'm all about a calm and quiet life these days, if I can settle mom, all is good in my world.  

I enjoyed my food yesterday too, we had eggs on crumpets, simple but delicious, no fruit or veg on that plate I'm afraid.  However I did add butternut squash and celeriac to the list for this week, I had them as chips and I have to say, the celeriac wasn't bad for a zero hero, I'd eat it again for sure.  Might try the other piece mashed with potato.

I've just found this recipe on the WW app and like the sound of it a lot; 
Celeriac and blue cheese gratin 900g, unpeeled Celeriac, raw  1 teaspoons Olive Oil (2SP) 2 teaspoons, chopped Thyme, Fresh 1 clove(s), Garlic bashed 175ml Medium White Wine (5SP) 1⁄2 cube, Vegetable stock cube(s) make up to 100ml with hot water 200ml Tesco Half Fat Crème Fraiche (16SP) 100g, vegetarian, Roquefort cubed (15SP)
Instructions To prepare the celeriac, trim both ends and cut in half with a sturdy knife. Using a smaller knife, peel away the skin and gnarly bits. Slice into semi-circles that are about the thickness of a pound coin. Heat the oil in a large non-stick frying pan, add the celeriac and toss to coat. Season well, add the fresh thyme and garlic and cook for 4 minutes. Add the wine and stock, bring to the boil and cover with a tight-fitting lid. Gently cook for 20 minutes until tender. Remove the lid and cook for another 5 minutes to cook off most of the moisture. Stir in the crème fraîche, heat gently and then scatter with the blue cheese. Pre heat the grill to high and pop the pan underneath. Grill for 5 minutes until golden and bubbling. Serve straight away with a crisp endive and pear salad. Notes To ensure that the celeriac retains all its moisture as it cooks, or if your pan lid isn't particularly tight-fitting, cover with a 'cloche' of greaseproof paper. Simply cut the paper into a circle that sits directly and snugly on top of the simmering vegetables. Cover with a lid and cook as usual. I'm keeping my blog short this morning, can't think of anything to say as I didn't do a lot yesterday and I've got something on my mind and I'm trying to do what I tell others to do and not to worry about it, what will be will be as they say.  I'm a true believer in everything happens for a reason even if you're not sure why!  I am however looking forward to seeing my members this morning, they're always a great distraction from everything.  Here's to being in the present, focusing on the now and believing everything will work out in the end.  Mwah,  Luv ya 
Love me xx