This and That ~ Finishes!
Although very prosperous on January 1st, I woke up the 2nd with no ambition whatsoever. Quite possiblyfrom not being a normally physical, while crafting. We contemplated cutting wood, but never got off our bums to do that.
I also emailed a nursing home in the "Big City" requesting a list of what they take for donations. If you are purging be sure to ask nursing homes. They will even take flower vases. One time we brought flowers but forgot the vase when "P" was in there. They had vases that had been donated for residents. I may have mentioned this before.
I spent over an hour in the garage. Filled the trunk for the thrift store, filled the trash, and brought in two old bed covers to wash and dry and re-use for Romeo's bedding.
Finished the baby blanket. Older photo, but it's completely done.
Finished the spool Christmas tree ornaments! Another UFO checked off the list. I'm already onto the next UFO. I used the ice cube tray to hold them upright while the glue dried.
I'm also working on purging a freezer currently. Our menu will be designed based on what needs used in there. I found a package of organic chicken pieces that were purchased to feed Jesse, so it's already out of the freezer and cooked up for Romeo. He's loving it too.
Hubby gave me the green light to write him a list of things that need done. He is either so busy, or so tired, or we have commitments, that he hasn't tackled jobs around here. I've already got him set up now. He told me his "mental" list is not working out for him.
I'm finding a lot of very small balls of yarn in my closet, so I plan to email the school and see if the art teacher can use them in her classes. If not, I'm not sure what to do with them. Other than the centers of misc. granny squares for a future "scrap" blanket. And I do not need another "new" project right now.
I have emailed the elementary school office, but didn't see an "Art" teacher listed for the school. I wonder if nursing homes do art projects with residents? I guess I find out from both and decide where to donate the balls of yarn.
Woke up today with warmer temps and rain. No fire in the wood stove oddly. It's a strange January already.